Dunja Jelenković
University Ca' Foscari, Venice
Dr. Dunja Jelenković is a researcher and a two-time Marie Curie post-doctoral fellow. Her current research project, CBA TRIESTE, deals with Italian and Yugoslav cinematic practices related to the Trieste Crisis and the struggle for the northern Adriatic borderland (MSCA European Fellowship, University of Venice). Her next project, FESTWAR FM, will offer the first sustainable analysis of film festivals and war from a gender perspective (MSCA Global Fellowship, starting in 2025, University of Venice/Concordia University, Montreal). A scholar working primarily on film festivals and relations between documentary images, history, and memory, Jelenković holds a PhD in cultural history from the University Paris Saclay (2017). She has published extensively on political aspects of cultural and film festival programming, most notably in the context of ongoing turbulence, conflict, and war.
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